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Registration and Health Information


1. Infinite Campus Online Registration Portal: All athletes competing in a sport must have their parents register through the Infinite Campus OLR. Fall, Winter and Spring Sports Registration for 2024-25 school year will be open through May 2024.

  • A registration flyer with some tips for ATHLETIC registration can be found HERE.

2. Physical: Athletes must also have an updated physical on file in the nurse's office. Physicals are good for 13 months from the date of the exam. If you have any questions about your physical please call the school nurse at 203-315-6733 or the athletic secretary at 203-315-6735. The School-Based Health Center is an excellent resource for athletes in need of a physical. They can be reached at (203)315-6727.

  • Physical forms can be found HERE.

  • Enrollment forms for School-Based Health Center can be found HERE.

3. Athletic and Co-curricular Activity Eligibility: The eligibility standards of the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference serve as a minimum standard for athletic and co-curricular activities. In addition, students must maintain a 2.0 GPA each quarter and are limited to one failure in all classes scheduled in a quarter excluding Physical Education/Health. During their four years, a one-time probation period can be requested in which a student would have four weeks of the next quarter to return his/her grades to eligible levels. 

Concussion Policy

  • To view and or print the Branford Public Schools Concussion and Head Injury policy click on the link HERE.

  • To view or print the Return to Play After a Concussion or Head Injury protocol click HERE

  • To view or print the Signs and Symptoms of a Concussion click HERE

  • To view or print A Parent's Guide to Concussion click HERE.